Perfect Day

For the annual commission Document Netherlands for the Rijksmuseum, Mounir Raji photographed tourism.

After several pandemic years, during which the industry was largely confined within domestic borders, tourism has now resurged with newfound vigour. What does the tourist look like who seeks out unique experiences with renewed enthusiasm?

While on a cruise, Raji sailed past two Caribbean Dutch islands: Aruba and Curaçao.

His images present a utopian, postcard-like vision of life aboard a cruise ship - from sipping cocktails at sunset to jogging on the deck.

A cruise ship is built for a single purpose: tourism. Tourists step into a safe bubble where entertainment and comfort are arranged for them 24/7. Each day on board is deemed the 'Perfect Day! At the same time, Raji also documents the components needed to orchestrate this perfect day. Consider the impact of tourist activities on nature and the environment, the crew, and the dependence of the local trade.

